Cave Dwellings of the Huapoca Canyon, Mexico
High in the cliffs of the Huapoca Canyon and its side canyons, are 800 year old cave dwellings that may have served as guard posts along an old trade route that linked Paquime with the Pacific coast.  Discover the natural beauty and archaeological treasures of this isolated and lesser-known canyon of the Sierra Tarahumara. 

Clifftop Monasteries of Meteora, Greece
The 14th century Monasteries of Meteora offer a rare glimpse of Orthodox monastic life that once flourished in a strange and breathtaking rock forest in Thessaly. Meaning 'suspended in air,' Meteora encompassed twenty four communities that were built on towering pinnacles. One can only marvel at the engineering feat involved in the construction of these clifftop monasteries. Today, six monasteries remain and steps have been carved into the rocks so that visitors are no longer hoisted up in nets by ropes and a hand cranked winch.

Colchis, The Land of The Golden Fleece, Republic of Georgia
Explore an ancient, legendary land renowned for its fabulous wealth. You will want to retrace the path of Jason and his Argonauts who sailed up the River Phasis in search of the Golden Fleece. Long closed to the West, Georgia is strewn with Medieval castles, fortresses, churches and other historical sites. Its diverse landscape and cultures make Georgia a fascinating destination for the truly adventurous.

The Maasai, Tanzania
The Maasai, a famed warrior tribe of East Africa, has emerged at the end of the 20th century as one of the most culturally intact tribes remaining in all of Africa. Once regarded as 'backward,' many experts now concede that pastoral nomadism supports more people on the fragile savannas than agriculture. As the land has become degraded and the diversity of animals threatened, the indigenous knowledge of the Maasai is gaining credibility. Discover these remarkable people for yourselves!

Cavetowns and Gorges of Cappadocia, Turkey
Cappadocia is best known for its curious volcanic landscape that has been relentlessly carved by nature and by the people who have lived here. 'Fairy chimneys,' cones and strange rock formations have been sculpted by wind and rain while subterranean towns were excavated by a populace seeking shelter from the tides of conquerors that have swept the land. Neolithic settlements, ancient ruins, Byzantine churches, Seljuk and Ottoman buildings, gorges, lush valleys, underground cities and cavetowns can all be found in this unusual region that has been called the Cradle of Civilization.

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